Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ich verstehe nicht

I received my first piece of German correspondence today.  It came in the form of an email ticket confirmation, presumably containing details for a Cirque du Soleil show I'm going to see in Salzburg this fall.  I was highly amused about being addressed as Frau Wong, less so about getting all my ticket pick-up details in a language that I had no hope of deciphering.

Thank god for Goggle translate.  In this age of smartphones, one would also be wise to keep a translation app on their phone as well.  Next up I'd like to see some technology where I can snap a photo of a foreign sign and have it deciphered for me.  Those of you who are less tech-dependent, or just don't want to pay crazy data charges, I would suggest looking over all travel confirmations, bookings, tickets and directions before you leave and printing off translated copies.  Keep the 2 versions stapled together, one for you to refer to, the other in case you need to show it to someone in that country for further information.

Phrase books never hurt anyone either, but when it comes to those, pricier isn't always better.  Every book as the essentials, it's just a matter of finding it in a pinch.  Go to a used book store or discount book store (in Toronto that means BMV) and see what they got, flip through before your trip and flat the pages you think you're most likely to use.  Alternatively make up your own list with Goggle Translate and print a copy to take with you.

Some words/phrases I make a point to learn:

I don't know
I don't understand
thank you
cup of tea please
hot water please (as I usually bring my own tea when I travel)
no beef (because I don't eat it)

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