Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sleeping with the French...

Ok, this is not nearly as provocative as the title suggests, but helpful to know all the same.

When booking accommodations in Europe (especially at B&B's) you may come across the description "French Double Bed", a term most of us North Americans aren't so familiar with.  A quick search pulled up this description:

Commonly called "un grand lit" in French, the French double bed is another characteristically French item.  A French bed is smaller than a double bed, measuring 115 cm to 140 cm. It is larger than a twin bed, so a person may fit more comfortably in a french bed. The French bed is meant for a single person, since it may be rather small to fit two people. It is meant to provide a better sleeping experience for the single person, or a cozy experience for a couple.

So, something to keep in mind when you're booking a room on the cheap overseas and you and your buddy aren't prepared to do some serious spooning... ;)

1 comment:

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