Wednesday, September 28, 2011

You know it's the beginning of low season when...

As I scramble to get ready for my trip and to tie up loose ends at the office, I know that there are a few other people around me who are doing the same.  For those without children or jobs/education tied to the traditional school year, October is a great time to travel.  Prices begin to drop in a number of destinations but it's not yet unbearably cold for sightseeing in North America and Europe.

In the span of 4 days, 4 of us are leaving on respective trips.  Right now this bitch (also known in polite circles as Melissa) is flying to Hong Kong 1st class on Cathay Pacific!  In case you're wondering folks, that is the best possible way to fly to Hong Kong from Canada. Melissa is taking a trip across multiple continents over the next year and you can follow her adventures on her blog.

Tomorrow, my elusive friend Trevor will be off to the UK for a couple of weeks.  He's a frequenter of England and does what he can to help the cider business there maintain a steady revenue.

Friday, I'll be squished into my economy seat popping Advil Night Time, reaffirming my belief in self-medication.

On Saturday the adventurous David will jet off to Africa to explore and climb, I wish him and his camera's batteries much endurance.

I don't even have time to single out those who've already left on their exotic journey or those who are going away soon, but you know who you are.

Travel safe everyone and come back with lots of stories!

1 comment:

  1. 1st class on Cathay? Oh to be independently wealthy /le sigh

    - the elusive cider drinking one ;)
