Thursday, November 24, 2011

More Best & Worst Airport Lists

Thanks for the Prague love -- for loving Prague and liking my blog/pictures of Prague.

I'm a little tardy on the Milan photos currently so I thought I'd break up the monotony with CNNGO's 10 Best & Worst Airport Lists for your reading enjoyment.

10 Of The World's Most Loved Airports
10 Of The World's Most Hated Airports

Previously I'd posted links to Sleeping In Airports' site with their best & worst lists and a number of the same aiports appear on CNNGO's lists.  I'm a little biased towards the latter only because they list HKIA (Hong Kong) in the #1 spot, which echo my sentiments.  It's coming up to midnight and 22C in Hong Kong right now, my friend Jason has just flown thru HKIA very recently and I wish I were there too.

As for the worst airport, I'll save my breathe trashing Charles de Gaulle and let everyone else do that for me.  The appearance of Heathrow still makes me think of the time I almost missed my flight to Lisbon in 2006, I will have to repost that tale here sometime.  Suffice to say that place is big enough you can run a marathon through it, and I kind of did.

I am a little discouraged (though not completely surprised) to find New York's JFK on the Hated list, as I'm trying to pull together a big trip for 2012 that will likely have me flying through there. (My back-up plan being a return to Paris, which will take me right into de Gaulle Airport...great...)

For better or worse, sometimes you just have to deal with a lousy airport as the price to pay to see a wonderful foreign land.  Either that or stick to Hong Kong ;)

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