Friday, April 29, 2011

Master of your vacation

In this largely useless Friday entry, I would like to draw your attention to the site.  If you advance through the booking pages to where you enter your travellers' information, you will see here you have a choice of personal titles via a drop-down box.

Look closely and you will see one of the options is "Master"... lol

Officially an outdated title used to address young boys, you can now be referred to as "Master" on your online expedia reservation.  I wonder if the airline staff will also call you Master when you go to check-in?

Someone please try this and report back!


  1. In Quebec, Lawyers are referred to as maitre . My wife was not pleased when I put this prefix to her name. LOL.

  2. @Anon - Well, if it's any consolation to your wife, most of us ignorant Anglophones would have missed the reference entirely. Good joke on your part though :)
