Monday, May 02, 2011

Raw beef and cocktails - Venice vacation or recipe for disaster?

Salutations and happy Monday to all you travelers (well, it remains to be seen about the "happy" part but...)  J leaves our humble offices for a year in Central and South America, V has jetted off on vacation to New Orleans, and L is busy planning her month-long trip to Australia while waiting for her boss to approve her vacation time (come on boss, give the girl a break!)

Not wanting to be completely left out of the fun, I booked myself a plane ticket to Venice in the fall.  This will just be a European departure point, I hope to see a handful of cities before I have to come back.

Venice has always struck me as having a distinct culture even within Italy; streets of water, decorative masks, and beautiful glass to start.  A quick google search has led me to 2 more Venetian inventions that I wasn't previously aware of:

Typically thinly sliced raw beef with seasonings, which I will not eat (I'm adverse to the "beef" part as opposed to the "raw") Carpaccio can also be raw fish, which I will eat.

A delicious fruity cocktail (yes, a chick drink but don't let that stop you from experiencing the culture!) made with peaches, champagne, and other ingredients.

I'm not sure the two are exactly complimentary to each other but I will make an effort to sample both (especially the bellini, as it's already a favourite cocktail of mine) while I'm there.  Also expect many coffee beverages to be ingested.

Sidenote:  In my attempts to experience culture in their native homes and bring back relevant souvenirs, I'm kinda glad Venetian blinds weren't actually invented in Venice.

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