Tuesday, August 09, 2011

The Wanderlust is strong in this one

It's a rainy day in Toronto, still 7.5 weeks until I leave for vacation, and I'm 2 travel tickets away from completing all my major transportation bookings through Central Europe.

To distract myself from the 52 day countdown, I've been following my friend Sylvia's roadtrip adventures through the U.S. She's already seen more of the states than I ever have and at some point I hope to a less charted vacation like hers too. Having only 2 weeks and a mountain of recos and dream destinations, I made the decision early to pre-book my transportation and accommodations to keep my time and wallet better budgeted. I think it started when I decided to get a ticket to see Cirque du Soleil's Allegria (the most recommended Cirque show from almost every avid fan I know), which meant I would have to be in Salzberg somehow on Oct 5. With my flight going to Venice, the map and route plotting began...

I've also come into possession of a LG Optimus Pad aka one of the many new tablets hitting the market in recent months. I'm very excited about this since its lightweight dimensions and capabilities are ideal for travel. My HP Mini netbook has served me well the last couple of years and but onwards and upwards in the parade of technological advances! Between the tablet and my iphone, I should be able to post many an update and rack up a phenomenal amount of data charges! Just kidding, I plan to keep the tablet as wifi only while overseas (though if you catch me at TIFF I will likely be carrying it around with a SIM card in use)and am still researching the best travel pack to add onto my iphone.

There's certainly no shortage on my list of things to do in each city, but I always welcome more suggestions. Please let me know if you have further must-do's in Venice, Milan, Salzburg, Vienna, Budapest, and Prague. I've decided to skip Bratislava and Liechtenstein this trip, but next time I'm back in that direction I will be sure to stop in.

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