Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Question of the day

If I haven't reiterated lately... I love getting travel-related questions, so if you have any, please ask!

Today I was asked to recommend a good place to shop in New York City.

Wow!  Where to begin right???  The question was posed by a trendy, relatively well-to-do lady in her 40's who just wanted a little direction, not an entire guide book.  Still, I couldn't resist consulting another NYC expert (my best friend Carrie) and her answer was basically the same as mine.  So I replied:

"West Broadway boutiques in SoHo.  More independent boutiques with unique styles, the major chains are nearby on Broadway, and even more mid-to-upscale stores are on the intersecting streets so lots of options within walking distance."

  Where do you like to shop in New York City?...

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